This provisional pdf corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptan ce. Exposure draft ed20156 clarifications to ifrs 15 is published by the international accounting standards board iasb for comment only. Oktober 2010 2 rechnungslegungs interpretations accounting interpretations committee e. Process investigators 2014, arise investigators 2014, mouncey 2015. The proposals may be modified in the light of the comments received before being issued in final form. Notice of proposed rulemaking and notice of public hearing. Manual do irs occ ordem dos contabilistas certificados. This document contains proposed regulations that provide guidance regarding the. Tmhm1125rgm the managing director delhi metro rail corporation ltd. Use a scanner to create a portable document format pdf of the completed form. Comments need to be received by 28 october 2015 and should be. O anexo ss deve ser entregue pelos trabalhadores independentes na administracao tributaria juntamente com a declaracao modelo 3 do irs.
Approval by the board of exposure draft clarifications to ifrs 15 published in july 2015 45 basis for conclusions on the exposure draft clarifications to ifrs 15 46 alternative view 76 clarifications to ifrs 15 3 ifrs foundation. File form 8453i with the corporations electronically filed income tax return. Ley 2978marco contexto normativo legal ds 0052012 tr. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. As datas este ano nao sofreram alteracoes e sao as seguintes. Horia hulubei national institute of physics and nuclear. Your tax preparation software will allow you to transmit this pdf with the return. Rechnungslegungs interpretations accounting interpretations. Ru reg15031, room 5226, internal revenue service, pob 7604, ben franklin station, washington, dc 20044.
Ano 2017 10 anos siempre junto al escribano publico uruguayo. Print or type the corporations name in the space provided. O pagamento do irs 2016 deve ser feito ate 31 agosto. Therefore, we ask the committee to make specifically clear in its agenda decision which tax withholding approach e.
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